Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Today in class we through around a lot of essay topics mostly about obesity. I came up with the topic of how the word obese or overweight gets thrown around loosely because now in society a size 6 is considered plus size and plus size mean overweight / obese when everyone is built differently. I think writing bout it and getting a better understanding of the word obese will help people not to judge and think twice about commenting on other peoples appearances.

Monday, August 26, 2013

vocabulary: fall #2

obesity: when a person is extremely over weight

 accumulate: gather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of

 mass: large body of matter with no definite shape

 disease: dead

 diet: the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.

 prevalence: the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.

 stigma: a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person.

 prevent(able): capable of being prevented; "conscious of preventable human suffering"

 adolescent: in the process of developing from a child into an adult.

 cardiovascular: of or relating to the heart and blood vessels

 excessive: more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate

 mechanism:a system of parts working together in a machine; a piece of machinery

 sedentary: tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.

 predispose: make someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition.

a group of symptoms that consistently occur together or a condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


In Newport a woman bought chicken nuggets from McDonald's and as she was putting the chicken nuggets on a plate for her kids a full deep fried chicken head fell out beak and all. The woman called McDonald's Tuesday night and made a complaint. McDonalds said she could return the box for a refund or for another box. The woman declined due to her loss of appetite.

The Actual Picture!:

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

vocabulary: fall #1

expository: Intended to explain or describe something

 composition: The nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the way in which a whole or mixture is made up.

 assuage: Make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense: "the letter assuaged the fears of most members".

 decadence: Moral or cultural decline, esp. after a peak of achievement

 hackneyed: Lacking significance through having been overused

 coalition: An alliance for combined action, especially a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states.

 transcend: Be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division).

 meritorious: Deserving reward or praise: "a medal for meritorious conduct".

 lurid: Very vivid in color, esp. so as to create an unpleasantly harsh or unnatural effect: "lurid food colorings".

 petulant: (of a person or their manner) Childishly sulky or bad-tempered

Monday, August 19, 2013


1. Are there any factors that you think are going to affect your participation or experience in this class? Access to a computer?  Mobile/smart phone?  Transportation?  Friends/family? Schedule?

No I don't think there are any factor that are going to affect my participation in the class. the only thing I can think of is if my computer network isn't working or if I used up all my Internet data on my cell phone.

2. Think of an awesome best ever learning experience that changed you. What did you learn? Where were you? What happened? Who else was there? Did it teach you anything about how you learn (or pay attention... or remember, or think?) How did you know what was happening?

In 8th grade I tried out for the cheer team. I practiced and practiced and worked so hard and I was sure I was going to make the team because of how hard I worked and how I was starting to come together. and then I was devastated that when the paper with the list of everyone who made it came out I wasn't on there and ALL of my friends were. I thought my life was over and I was so upset but then my mom just kept telling me to keep my head up and everything will workout fine in the end. at the time I didn't listen but then a week later I got a call from the Cheer coach saying that I was on the team because someone had dropped out. so then I realized that hard work pays off most of the time but with it doesn't you cant beat yourself up about it because everything will work out in the end. and to just believe in yourself an keep your head up.

3.What are you most [excited/concerned] about in this class? What do you look forward to in learning?  How do you think it can/will make a practical difference in your life?

My most concern is being on time and essays. For the past 2 years I have always been late to school everyday to my first period and this year I'm trying so hard to get to school on time so I'm just afraid to get in trouble about being late. I'm doing pretty well so far about being on time so far though:) and essays because I'm not the best writer. I look forward to sharing thoughts and just to see how other people process things in their heads differently than me and to hear all their thoughts. I think it will give me a better understanding on how everyone's different and how you can agree to disagree but still understand someone else's point of view.


The 5 sources to go to for a non-fiction read are:





A Truly Interesting Peice of Non-Fiction.

So I stumbled across a truly interesting piece of non fiction. On November 3 ,2012 in Denver Colorado, a mail man delivered mail to a home with something interesting on the front porch... a dead body! and the mail man was not shocked at all because he thought is was a left over Halloween decoration. eventually after looking at it for a while and then realized it was a dead body. the mail man instantly became shocked and very upset and called the police. The News reported that the dead man, collapsed and died November 2 on his porch steps after returning home from his night shift job.
Truly interesting!

My Big Question!

My big question is is there really an afterlife? is heaven or hell real? is there a god? I always feel so weird asking that question because what if he is real and he's looking down on me at this moment asking why I am questioning his existence. is the devil real? and is he really behind all the evil in the world or are some people just crazy?

What Is Expository Composition?

Expository composition is a type of writing that is meant to explain, describe, and inform the readers.