Monday, January 27, 2014


In my oppinion life during high school  will be way easier than life after high school. After high school you become your own in dependent person and you have more responsibilities. You don't have anyone to tell you whether you need to go to class or not no one  to tell you what to do and everything is basically up to yourself. No one is going to magically transformed the day after high school it's going to take time and experience and mistakes to get to the place you need to be. To get to the independency need to survive look life after high school you going to need to make mistakes you're going to need  to push yourself and get through the hard times in order to make sure you're responsible enough to live life as a mature adult after high school and in college.  To balance the things you need to do versus the things you want to do is going to take consideration asked knowing what needs to be done so choices like hanging out with your friends are going to ibig party over studying or going to class. Your expectations will change for yourself because you will expect more from yourself and you'll expect more from the world. And high school we don't expect that much because we don't really need that much but when you get to college you need to have a job you need to pay for housing you need to pass your classes. I'm not there yet but I know there's more to college then what people make it seem like and no it's more responsibility then high school

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Profile in courage

When the movie first began I thought it was about a sad tragic story about how ila guy was either born with some disease or had an accident that didn't allow him to have function to his legs. Enstead it tourned out to be a cool story about a sport called "murder ball". The sport is actually wheelchair rugby and it's about how a man was rejected from the USA team and went to Canada will every entention of beating USA. He was known as a tractor but didn't care! He finally beats USA and is ecstatic. Following that we get to know a little more about not only the new canada coach but the rest of the players on Canada and USA.

Vocab list 2

apogee: the highest or most distant point

bicker: to engage in peevish argument

coalesce: to grow or come together into one

contretemps: an embarrassing occurrence

convolution: a coiled or rolled up condition

cull: to select or choose

disparate: essentially different

dogmatic: pertaining to

licentious: going beyond proper limits

mete: to distribute my measure

noxious: harmful to health or physical well-being

polemic: a controversial argument

populous: heavily populated; crowded

probity: honesty

repartee: a quick and witty reply

supervene: to take place or occur as something 

truncate: to cut short

unimpeachable: above suspicion

Monday, January 13, 2014


today on the vocab quiz I scored an 8 out of 10. 80% text score isn't bad at all! but I think I missed the two questions because I didn't have to rite definitions or the correct definitions that Dr. Preston was looking for.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Spring vocab list 1

Adumbrate- To vaguely indicate
Apotheosis- Elevation to divide status
Ascetic- Practicing self denial; common in religious
Bauble- Cheap, showy ornament
Beguile- Influence by slyness
Burgeon- Grow and flourish
Complement- Something that completes or makes perfect
Contumacious- Stubborn refusal to obey authority
Curmudgeon- Ill-tempered person; grumpy
Didactic- Intended to teach

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


To hack this class means to make Dr. Preston's class and work for you in your own advantage and reinvent it and resign it. If I can do that with a single class to take everything I can out of one course and applying it to my future I can do the same jacking system but only with expository reading and writing but with all my classes. I can take this classes vocabulary and diverse ways of thinking and apply it to collage, future jobs, and who know i might impress my future husband with a high tech fancy word and he'll be swept off his feet and have to marry me. I'm not completely sure how I'm going to hack this could completely or my other classes but I'm making it my mission this semester to figure it out and take advantage because it's a new year and a new start.