Sunday, June 1, 2014
last week of high school
tomorrow is the last full normal regular day left in my high school career. its also the last Monday. looking back on all the memories and goof times I've really realized that high school is only the beginning and not the end. even though this door is closing a new one with lots more to come is now open and I couldn't be more excited to get started on my new life, career choices, and friendships.
liturature analysis 3
The Night Circus
1. The Night Circus is about a magical traveling circus that is secretly hosting a competition between two magicians who have to prove who had the better teacher. Their reward? Life. The only way to win is to survive. Celia, a little girl whose mother dies when she is only five years old is taken to live with her father who is also a magician. He is known to be the greatest of his time, when Celia is introduced to him, he immediately doesn't like her. She gets mad at the way he treats her and she uses her 'powers' to break his hot tea cup. This intrigues Prospero, her father. Her father then sets up a meeting with an old friend and it is them that arrange the competition between Celia and Marco (the chosen competetor). The two do not know who they are competing with until Celia catches Marco performing and then everything starts to crumble. The two have fallen in love and now they are refusing to continue the competition knowing one of them will die. The problem with just stopping the competiton? The circus and the people in it will die off and the two lovers won't be the only ones suffering the consequences.Celia figures out a way for the two to live together and keep the circus running without letting anyone else get hurt. Celia and Marco kill themselves, but find a way to stay in spirit and keep the circus alive.
2. The theme of this book is very similar to The Hunger Games themes, anything and everything over love, to die with you would be better to die alone, a competition for survival.
3. The authors tone is bitter and knowing. The author has a lot of sass and you can see that in the main character Celia, the most. She makes it seem as if she were using her story to vent out her hate for someone and her longing for another.
4. Foreshadowing:
2. The theme of this book is very similar to The Hunger Games themes, anything and everything over love, to die with you would be better to die alone, a competition for survival.
3. The authors tone is bitter and knowing. The author has a lot of sass and you can see that in the main character Celia, the most. She makes it seem as if she were using her story to vent out her hate for someone and her longing for another.
4. Foreshadowing:
In the beginning Marco explains that he loves to love and he loves to be in love and it always happens so quickly, but he doesn't know what being IN LOVE is really like, therefore he'd do anything to be with her. This is setting up his attitude towards how is going to feel about Celia and the situation they get put in having to kill eachother.
Celia grabs the wrong umbrella, but she notices that the umbrella she did grab has some sort of spell on it and this is how she discovers and predicts that Marco is her challenger.
1. Direct characterization
1. Direct characterization
Celia: The author directly explains how she looks feels and acts. There is no asuming or guessing on how she felt towards something, the author is very direct with her.
Marco: The author also explains everything Marco feels directly and we know from the very beginning how he looks and what his morals are.
Indirect characterization
An example of this is a teenager named Bailey who is brought up very little and then at the end becomes the protagonist all with one feeling. The author indirectly tells you that Bailey has this passion and dedication towards the circus that will essentially save everyone. The author then refers to two twins who live in the circus and will be helping Bailey save it. This is dropped by hints such as dreams and fortune tellers.
The indirect characters are all the smaller characters that we don't get to read about directly.
2. The authors syntax changes when she concentrates on a different part of the story. The novel jumps around from character to character and you can tell whose side of the story it is when the sentences get longer or shorter and the it goes from first person to third person.
3. The protagonist is very round and dynamic, he starts off seeming useless to the storyline, but then their is a plottwist and it all starts to make sense. It is part of his destiny to either save or destroy the circus and it all comes down to one decision; does he chase after a circus or give up on it all together. He chooses to chase after it and that is his first step to saving it.
4. I did not feel as if I had just met someone after reading this story. I think that because the storyline was something I was not use to and compeletly unrelatable I had trouble connecting to any of the characters due to the whole "I'm a magician fighting for my life against another magician whom I'm in love with and I can't kill him because I love him" theme. However, I understand what it is like to not want to do something because the decision is too hard to make and it might hurt someone else. Overall I didn't make any easy connections with this book, too ficitonal and unrealistic.
2. The authors syntax changes when she concentrates on a different part of the story. The novel jumps around from character to character and you can tell whose side of the story it is when the sentences get longer or shorter and the it goes from first person to third person.
3. The protagonist is very round and dynamic, he starts off seeming useless to the storyline, but then their is a plottwist and it all starts to make sense. It is part of his destiny to either save or destroy the circus and it all comes down to one decision; does he chase after a circus or give up on it all together. He chooses to chase after it and that is his first step to saving it.
4. I did not feel as if I had just met someone after reading this story. I think that because the storyline was something I was not use to and compeletly unrelatable I had trouble connecting to any of the characters due to the whole "I'm a magician fighting for my life against another magician whom I'm in love with and I can't kill him because I love him" theme. However, I understand what it is like to not want to do something because the decision is too hard to make and it might hurt someone else. Overall I didn't make any easy connections with this book, too ficitonal and unrealistic.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Journal 5/19 : expectation on masterpiece academy
"What do you expect from the Masterpiece Academy and how can you contribute to making it the experience you envision?"
What I expect from the masterpiece academy is to see a side of everyone that I've never seen before. We are all in the same class and have been in the same class for the past fee months but there are only a handful of kids that I actually know personally in this class. Everyone else I only know what I see in class.. Witch is not much because it's early and everyone is still tired and don't really say much so I don't know what they are interested in. how can I make it the experience I envision? As for that part I don't think there's anything I can do. What I'm expecting is to see another side if everyone and to have everyone come out of their shell. Not much I can do but sit back and see when happens.
What I expect from the masterpiece academy is to see a side of everyone that I've never seen before. We are all in the same class and have been in the same class for the past fee months but there are only a handful of kids that I actually know personally in this class. Everyone else I only know what I see in class.. Witch is not much because it's early and everyone is still tired and don't really say much so I don't know what they are interested in. how can I make it the experience I envision? As for that part I don't think there's anything I can do. What I'm expecting is to see another side if everyone and to have everyone come out of their shell. Not much I can do but sit back and see when happens.
Journal 5/23 topic: connections 1
Today roman, analyssa, Jon, and Elizabeth and bully presented on their master peice. Roman is an upcoming music producer and is very talented at it. Analyssa is an amazing photographer and is in the process or making photography her major. Jon is in the process of writing a mythological book and billy and Elizabeth are interested in coaching for swim and water polo. I don't feel like I really "connected" with any of the masterpieces today but I feel like I was amazed on how talented some people are in our class and I didn't even know it. Congrats!
Journal 5/27 topic: connection
Today Judith and amparro, Alicia and jonna, dale, and Alex and Joey presented their masterpiece. Judith and amparro presented on compassion and everyone has compassion but there is a difference between compassion and sympathy. Compassion is feeling for someone or something and understanding and sympathy is just feeling sorry for someone or something enstead of understanding. Alicia and honns presented on agriculter, dale presented on freedom, and Alex and Joey presented on army life. Everything was very interesting and informative but I feel like I connected the most with Judith and amparro because we all have compassion whether we know it or not we all connect in that subject.
Monday, May 26, 2014
literature analysis 2
Title: A child called it by Dave Pelzer
David is a very fragile, young boy who wears glasses and rarely eats. He's always wearing the same clothes and he doesn't complain. He is an example of indirect characterization. We know what David is thinking and how he responds to other characters. His mom and class mates are direct characterization. They have direct statements being made by them. His mom beats and stabs him, and his classmates pick on him. If I were writing this book as a fictional story, I would have made the mom seem even more ugly and wicked looking then what he described her as. However, all the other characters seem to have the perfect description and I wouldn't write them any other way.
- One example of direct characterization is when David's classmates pick on him for smelling and looking bad. The author states that they were bullies. Another example of direct characterization is when the teacher makes an effort to help David, the author clearly states that she is someone who David will trust and seek help from.
-I didn't notice any change in syntax when the author would discuss a different character. However the diction would change when talking about his mother. His tone would shift and he became more forward and used descriptive language to express the cruel actions she performed on him.
-The protagonist is David and he is very dynamic. You almost get to experience the abuse with him. He is a very structured character and has a lot of understandable feelings.
- The author has more of a journalist form of writing. He took you day by day or week by week and month by month. I never picked up on any foreshadowing.
-The Author does use lengthy descriptions for the more complex characters and some scenes. The author focuses more on the action rather than on dialogue. I think he does this because the events that he is describing happened such a long time ago, it's probably harder to write in dialogue when you can't remember the entire conversation.
-I think the authors attitude towards this subject is probably very sensitive. He had to relive his horrible past and talk about his traumatic experiences.
-The author doesn't offer any resources
this book is about a mans rough childhood and the different types of abuse he undergoes. David is beaten, stabbed, burned, told to drink different chemicals and neglected. All of this is done to him by the woman who should be saving and protecting him, his mother. His mom makes him sleep in a small closet and if he needs to use the bathroom he is forced to pee himself, then he is sent to school in the same clothes everyday. He thinks he deserves it, he doesn't understand why his mom hates him so much and he is always trying to gain her affection.
-I think Dave Pelzer wrote this book as a form of therapy and a way to let others know it's better to share with someone else if something bad is happening to you or a friend. Don't hide dangerous things from others, reach out for help and make your life a safe place to live.
- I chose this book based off of what I had heard about it. I have friends who had read it in middle school and they all loved it, so I decided to give it a try and see what everyone was talking about. The story was so intriguing and as soon as you read the first chapter you had to know what happened to this little kid. You have to know if he makes it out okay.
-I did find this book very realistic, it was also sort of a wake up call for me. After reading this book I started to pay more attention to the students around me. He pointed out things that made him different and I looked for those characteristics in other students I see everyday to see if I could find any that might be putting up with abuse. Because I started doing this not only in class, but around everyone, I noticed it was happening to my cousin.
-I think Dave Pelzer wrote this book as a form of therapy and a way to let others know it's better to share with someone else if something bad is happening to you or a friend. Don't hide dangerous things from others, reach out for help and make your life a safe place to live.
- I chose this book based off of what I had heard about it. I have friends who had read it in middle school and they all loved it, so I decided to give it a try and see what everyone was talking about. The story was so intriguing and as soon as you read the first chapter you had to know what happened to this little kid. You have to know if he makes it out okay.
-I did find this book very realistic, it was also sort of a wake up call for me. After reading this book I started to pay more attention to the students around me. He pointed out things that made him different and I looked for those characteristics in other students I see everyday to see if I could find any that might be putting up with abuse. Because I started doing this not only in class, but around everyone, I noticed it was happening to my cousin.
David is a very fragile, young boy who wears glasses and rarely eats. He's always wearing the same clothes and he doesn't complain. He is an example of indirect characterization. We know what David is thinking and how he responds to other characters. His mom and class mates are direct characterization. They have direct statements being made by them. His mom beats and stabs him, and his classmates pick on him. If I were writing this book as a fictional story, I would have made the mom seem even more ugly and wicked looking then what he described her as. However, all the other characters seem to have the perfect description and I wouldn't write them any other way.
- One example of direct characterization is when David's classmates pick on him for smelling and looking bad. The author states that they were bullies. Another example of direct characterization is when the teacher makes an effort to help David, the author clearly states that she is someone who David will trust and seek help from.
-I didn't notice any change in syntax when the author would discuss a different character. However the diction would change when talking about his mother. His tone would shift and he became more forward and used descriptive language to express the cruel actions she performed on him.
-The protagonist is David and he is very dynamic. You almost get to experience the abuse with him. He is a very structured character and has a lot of understandable feelings.
- The author has more of a journalist form of writing. He took you day by day or week by week and month by month. I never picked up on any foreshadowing.
-The Author does use lengthy descriptions for the more complex characters and some scenes. The author focuses more on the action rather than on dialogue. I think he does this because the events that he is describing happened such a long time ago, it's probably harder to write in dialogue when you can't remember the entire conversation.
-I think the authors attitude towards this subject is probably very sensitive. He had to relive his horrible past and talk about his traumatic experiences.
-The author doesn't offer any resources
Monday, May 12, 2014
My master peice
I have officially decided to do my senior project on Senioritis. What comes along with Senioritis are clothing changes. Have you ever notices how everyone is dressed up in the beginning if the school year but by the end if the school year everyone is in sweats? I'm going to Intertwine the two topics into a video somehow.
Journal may 12: Mother's Day
This weekend was Mother's Day and this year Mother's Day is exactly 100 years old. To celebrate Mother's Day and show gratitude to my mother we had a family BBQ at my brothers house with his wife's mother and his wife's sister's boyfreind's mother. My mom revived a card from my dad, I bought her breakfast, and wine from my brother and his wife. From the look on my moms face she seemed like she had a good others day. Plus tr fact that she got to take a billion prom pictures she was a happy camper.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Less than a month left of school!
There are 29 days of school left and that's not counting the weekends! #stoked
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
4/30 journal: when do you seek others council
I seek others concul or advice when I need help or when I'm confused about something. I seek help from freinds, peers, family members, and mostly my mom. I'm getting older and I know my mom or freinds arnt always going to be there to help me so I'm realizing that I need to make my own decisions.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
My master piece
For my master peice it originally was going to be about clothing and fashion but I thing a more interesting and mind grabbing topic is Senioritis. We're all seniors and we're all guilty if slacking off a bit. Some more than others but I think it would be interesting to explore it more and find out what's really in our heads or what's distracting us.
4/29 journal: what makes April the cruelest month
In my oppinion April is the cruelest month on the west coast because it's spring and it gets really hot but at the same time we get April showers. The whole month of April is a mind fuck because it starts off with April first witch is April fools day and everyone and their mother is lieing to you and making you look like an idiot then following up with the weather. In my oppinion April is a trip but it's good because it means we're close to the end of the school year!
Monday, April 28, 2014
Count down
Only 1 month of school left! I don't know wheather to cry from excitement or because I'm nervous.
Spring break recap
Spring break was filled with fun this year! As muh as we all love school it was so muh harder coming back to school and waking up this year. It's usually hard every year but this year was almost impossible. I think it's because the school year is so close to being done and we all know it. The beach, camping, parties, LA, Bon fires, and made new freinds. I honestly don't think you can go wrong with spring break in California. Im so sad that spring break had to end but I'm so ready for summer now!
Journal 4/28: what did you learn over break
Over spring break I had lots of conversations with lots of people and in those conversations lots of topics took place. Topics on school, weather, who's dating who, and who got grounded. I learned a bunch of things like what school in going to in the fall, who broke up with who, new vocabulary words, that I need to pull up my grades, how to budget, how to clean my windows, and how to fit my celing fan. I didn't learn much that was school related but none the mess I learned new things every day.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Journal 4/14 topic: how does the media portray teenagers?
In my oppinion the media portrays teenager as trouble makers. Unless you have straight A's and are on the honnor roll I feel like adults and the media really point teens out as "gang bangers" and "troubled kids" and that's not always the case. Sure we do stupid things that adults look down on but that Dosent make us bad people. It just makes us young, dumb, and nieve. Adults and people in general constantly forget that they were once our age and just as adventurous. I'm sure some teens really are causing havoc and are troubled but for the most parts we just want to have fun without being looked down upon.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Up to me
today we had a writing topic that asked how to I define success to myself? I think I define success by how much I get success. if im at practice and im practicing to get better at something I don't see or feel success until it pays off. I feel like that's how we all judge success by if it pays off or not because if it doesn't pay off and you "fail" at something than there's no point in saying that you "succeeded" when you didn't.
how did she do it?
When I say that a 17 year old girl who was found on youtube by just making makeup videos now has her own line of clothing at aerpostale its pretty shocking! Bethany Mota AKA Macbarbie07 is a walking inspiration that its possible for anyone to do what they want to do and because successful off of it! you go girl!
her tumblr page with tips and tricks:

beginning of her clothing line
her tumblr page with tips and tricks:

beginning of her clothing line
Because I want to be in the fashion industry I think that the best place to find resources to look up to now a days are found are youtube! most girl are either my age and are famous or started out on youtube at my age and have made is so far.
1. Macbarbie07 a teenage girl with her own clothing lieb now but started on youtube
2. Bethanymota = macbarbie07 same person but two accounts
3. andreaschoice a early 20s girl who has great tips and advice
1. Macbarbie07 a teenage girl with her own clothing lieb now but started on youtube
2. Bethanymota = macbarbie07 same person but two accounts
3. andreaschoice a early 20s girl who has great tips and advice
10 questions
the 10 questions I would want to ask my expert would be..
1. how did you get into fashion and merchandising?
2. was it hard?
3. how did you know that was what you wanted to do with out any doubt?
4. would you do anything differently in the past and if so what?
5. any advice?
6. back up options?
7. best thing about your job?
8. worst thing about your job?
9. facts and myths?
10. and finally do you think I would be cut out to be in the industry?
1. how did you get into fashion and merchandising?
2. was it hard?
3. how did you know that was what you wanted to do with out any doubt?
4. would you do anything differently in the past and if so what?
5. any advice?
6. back up options?
7. best thing about your job?
8. worst thing about your job?
9. facts and myths?
10. and finally do you think I would be cut out to be in the industry?
Master peice
in Dr. Preston's expository composition course we have to do a career master piece and I have chosen to go with fashion a merchandising because I have dreams of becoming a buyer in the future. I feel like being a buyer would be a great job for me because im really fascinated by the fashion industry.
literature analysis
Hunger Games
exposition: In the future the district panem is divided into 12 separate districts and the capitol. each year two young people (one boy and one girl ) are chosen from each district to represent their districts and participate In the hunger games where they fight to the death and the last one to survive is announced the hunger games new winner. the games are televised and watched by all of panem.
rising action: katnis the main character is chosen to be in the next hunger games. she sacrifices herself for her younger sister prim but she is also thrown inn with a friend she has names peetta. it later revieled that peetta has a crush on katnis.
climax: the climax is when Katnis befriends a young girl names Rue and Rue is killed. when she is killed Katis turns to the cameras that are broadcasting the brutal death live and shows her district respect. from that moment on Katnis was determined to win.
falling action: the falling action is when Katis and Peeta kill fin and almost eat the piousness berries to sacrifice themselves.
resolution: the resolution is when Katnis and Peeta are both saved and they both are pronounced winners and survive the hunger games. for the first time there are 2 winners.
theme: the inequality between rich and poor
authors tone: sad, dark, erie, dangerous...ect
direct Characterization:
Katnis everdeen: good with a bow and arrow, beautiful, kind, caring
Gale: handsome, high strung, loving
indirect characterization:
Katnis everdean: hardheaded, smart, stubborn
Peeta Milark: smart, kind, inexperienced, weak
protagonist is Katnis everdean and she is round and dynamic because she changes her character. at first she was timid and cold and by the end she was vicious and killing people and she found a new love interest
after reading this book I felt like I met a person because she had so much emotion and the way Katnis reacted or handled a lot of things reminded me of myself. it was very realistic and it made me feel like I was in the book.
exposition: In the future the district panem is divided into 12 separate districts and the capitol. each year two young people (one boy and one girl ) are chosen from each district to represent their districts and participate In the hunger games where they fight to the death and the last one to survive is announced the hunger games new winner. the games are televised and watched by all of panem.
rising action: katnis the main character is chosen to be in the next hunger games. she sacrifices herself for her younger sister prim but she is also thrown inn with a friend she has names peetta. it later revieled that peetta has a crush on katnis.
climax: the climax is when Katnis befriends a young girl names Rue and Rue is killed. when she is killed Katis turns to the cameras that are broadcasting the brutal death live and shows her district respect. from that moment on Katnis was determined to win.
falling action: the falling action is when Katis and Peeta kill fin and almost eat the piousness berries to sacrifice themselves.
resolution: the resolution is when Katnis and Peeta are both saved and they both are pronounced winners and survive the hunger games. for the first time there are 2 winners.
theme: the inequality between rich and poor
authors tone: sad, dark, erie, dangerous...ect
direct Characterization:
Katnis everdeen: good with a bow and arrow, beautiful, kind, caring
Gale: handsome, high strung, loving
indirect characterization:
Katnis everdean: hardheaded, smart, stubborn
Peeta Milark: smart, kind, inexperienced, weak
protagonist is Katnis everdean and she is round and dynamic because she changes her character. at first she was timid and cold and by the end she was vicious and killing people and she found a new love interest
after reading this book I felt like I met a person because she had so much emotion and the way Katnis reacted or handled a lot of things reminded me of myself. it was very realistic and it made me feel like I was in the book.
Monday, January 27, 2014
In my oppinion life during high school will be way easier than life after high school. After high school you become your own in dependent person and you have more responsibilities. You don't have anyone to tell you whether you need to go to class or not no one to tell you what to do and everything is basically up to yourself. No one is going to magically transformed the day after high school it's going to take time and experience and mistakes to get to the place you need to be. To get to the independency need to survive look life after high school you going to need to make mistakes you're going to need to push yourself and get through the hard times in order to make sure you're responsible enough to live life as a mature adult after high school and in college. To balance the things you need to do versus the things you want to do is going to take consideration asked knowing what needs to be done so choices like hanging out with your friends are going to ibig party over studying or going to class. Your expectations will change for yourself because you will expect more from yourself and you'll expect more from the world. And high school we don't expect that much because we don't really need that much but when you get to college you need to have a job you need to pay for housing you need to pass your classes. I'm not there yet but I know there's more to college then what people make it seem like and no it's more responsibility then high school
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Profile in courage
When the movie first began I thought it was about a sad tragic story about how ila guy was either born with some disease or had an accident that didn't allow him to have function to his legs. Enstead it tourned out to be a cool story about a sport called "murder ball". The sport is actually wheelchair rugby and it's about how a man was rejected from the USA team and went to Canada will every entention of beating USA. He was known as a tractor but didn't care! He finally beats USA and is ecstatic. Following that we get to know a little more about not only the new canada coach but the rest of the players on Canada and USA.
Vocab list 2
apogee: the highest or most distant point
bicker: to engage in peevish argument
coalesce: to grow or come together into one
contretemps: an embarrassing occurrence
convolution: a coiled or rolled up condition
cull: to select or choose
disparate: essentially different
dogmatic: pertaining to
licentious: going beyond proper limits
mete: to distribute my measure
noxious: harmful to health or physical well-being
polemic: a controversial argument
populous: heavily populated; crowded
probity: honesty
repartee: a quick and witty reply
supervene: to take place or occur as something additional
truncate: to cut short
unimpeachable: above suspicion
Monday, January 13, 2014
today on the vocab quiz I scored an 8 out of 10. 80% text score isn't bad at all! but I think I missed the two questions because I didn't have to rite definitions or the correct definitions that Dr. Preston was looking for.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Spring vocab list 1
Adumbrate- To vaguely indicate
Apotheosis- Elevation to divide status
Ascetic- Practicing self denial; common in religious
Bauble- Cheap, showy ornament
Beguile- Influence by slyness
Burgeon- Grow and flourish
Complement- Something that completes or makes perfect
Contumacious- Stubborn refusal to obey authority
Curmudgeon- Ill-tempered person; grumpy
Didactic- Intended to teach
Apotheosis- Elevation to divide status
Ascetic- Practicing self denial; common in religious
Bauble- Cheap, showy ornament
Beguile- Influence by slyness
Burgeon- Grow and flourish
Complement- Something that completes or makes perfect
Contumacious- Stubborn refusal to obey authority
Curmudgeon- Ill-tempered person; grumpy
Didactic- Intended to teach
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
To hack this class means to make Dr. Preston's class and work for you in your own advantage and reinvent it and resign it. If I can do that with a single class to take everything I can out of one course and applying it to my future I can do the same jacking system but only with expository reading and writing but with all my classes. I can take this classes vocabulary and diverse ways of thinking and apply it to collage, future jobs, and who know i might impress my future husband with a high tech fancy word and he'll be swept off his feet and have to marry me. I'm not completely sure how I'm going to hack this could completely or my other classes but I'm making it my mission this semester to figure it out and take advantage because it's a new year and a new start.
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